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Wessex craft and food producers market

First market only a week away, good luck to Nina and Penny. As well as beautiful crafts and lovely food there will be a tombola, refreshments including ploughmans lunches, so something for all.Pictures and update as soon as possible.
February 21, 2016
Charity NewsEvents

Cheque presentation evening

Great evening last night (Monday 8th February)at our cheque presentation evening. We gave out a total of £12,500 between 8 charities. We could not have done this without a dedicated committee, volunteers, support of beneficeries, local businesses and public, thank you all. Also a cup and £40 Great Western Camping voucher was…
February 9, 2016

Wessex Local Craft and Food Producer markets

Our friends Penny and Nina are holding a series of local craft and food producers markets at Brownsword Hall.Poundbury with profit going to Hangers Heroes. There will be great selection of artisan work and produce for more info please visit their Facebook page  
January 21, 2016