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Challenge NewsEvents

Still time to enter challenge!

There's still time to enter our challenge, whether a novice or serious walker / runner we have a distance for all abilities and ages. This event will raise monies for some great local causes (Dorset Mind, Dorset Search and Rescue, Stella Hayward riding for the disabled, Westfield Arts college and …
August 3, 2018
Charity News

Amazon smile

Anyone shopping on Amazon can now support us by using the Amazon Smile link. Its easy to use just click on this link below then log into your account in the usual way, then go shopping :-) I've just used it, what a great easy way to support our charity.…
June 14, 2018
Challenge NewsCharity News

New T-shirt design for 2018

T-shirts new design for 2018: We're really pleased with the new 100% polyester wickable t- shirts designed by Dorset Schoolwear available in children's £11 and adults £13 sizes small - extra large. Order when entering on form.
April 15, 2018
Charity NewsEvents

Barn dance

It is with great regret that we have had to cancel our barn dance for this year due to slow ticket sales :-( Good news is we still have our fantastic Challenge event (September 22nd entries now being accepted online. For paper info/entry pack please phone 01305 784995) with the…
April 5, 2018